Regulations for Distribution and Reception of Holy Communion

The faithful may freely choose between Communion on the tongue or in the hand, and between Communion under the species of bread only or under the species of bread and wine.

1.Communion under the species of Bread only
2.Traditional Way:

The communicant approaches the minister of Communion with joined hands and receives Communion on the tongue.

1.Communion in the Hand:

The communicant approaches the minister of Communion with outstretched hands, the left hand resting on the right hand, palms up, sufficiently extended outward and upward. The minister says, “the Body of Christ”, to which the communicant responds, “Amen”. The minister then places the Host in the hand of the communicant. The communicant steps aside and immediately consumes the Host before returning to his/her seat.

2.Communion under both Species

A chalice of suitable size should be used, containing a sufficient amount of consecrated wine. Priests, deacons or other ministers of Communion, in pairs, one holding the ciborium and the other the chalice, help in the distribution of Communion in one of the following ways:

Option I

The communicant, having received the Host as described in item 1.b, approaches the minister holding the chalice. The minister says, “the Blood of Christ”, and the communicant, after responding “Amen”, dips the Host into the consecrated wine and consumes the Body and Blood of Christ immediately before returning to his/her seat.

Option II

The minister holding the chalice takes a Host from the minister holding the ciborium, dips the Host into the consecrated wine, then says, “the Body and Blood of Christ”. The communicant responds, “Amen”, and receives the Body and Blood of Christ on the tongue.

Parish priests should from time to time remind the ministers of Communion and the faithful how to distribute and receive Communion, whether under one species or both species, in a proper and reverent manner. They must see to it that any form of abuse be corrected.