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In accordance with the Improving Electoral System (Consolidated Amendments) Ordinance 2021, the reconstituted Election Committee (EC) is composed of 1,500 members and has three functions : (1) to nominate and elect the Chief Executive; (2) to elect 40 Legislative Council (LegCo) members; (3) to nominate all LegCo election candidates.  The term of office of the EC is five years and the coming term will commence on 22 October 2021.

All EC candidates have to take an oath in compliance with the legal requirement and conditions.  They are also subject to an eligibility review.

Six designated local religious bodies, as a Subsector, belong to the Third Sector of the EC and are allocated 60 seats, of which 10 seats are filled by members of the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong.

Our Diocese has just been informed that the full name list of the Catholic applicants has to be submitted to the Registration and Electoral Office during the period from 6 August to 12 August 2021 (both days inclusive).  Accordingly, Catholics who wish to join the EC are to submit their written applications either by hand or by registered mail to the Chancery Office, 16, Caine Road, 12/F, Hong Kong [indicating on the envelope: Election Committee Religious Subsector].  All applications must reach the Chancery Office by 5 August (before 5:00pm) at the latest.

Apart from complying with the other electoral requirements, a Catholic applicant must provide in the application letter his/her name, address, parish, telephone/fax numbers and e-mail address for contact purposes, together with the following documents:

(1)    a copy of his/her Identity Card;

(2)    a copy of his/her baptism certificate;

(3)    evidence in support of a substantial connection with the Catholic Church (such as a document indicating: membership of a lay association / church organization, or participation in a formation programme, or a service rendered to a parish or to the diocese; a letter issued by a parish priest attesting to applicant’s links with a parish, etc.).

The personal data and other related information and documentary proofs (if applicable) provided by all applicants will be used by the Chancery Office, the Registration and Electoral Office and other authorized departments/organizations/persons for the purposes of voter registration and election, and for other related purposes.

On receiving an application, the Chancery Office will notify the applicant of the date, time and place for filling in the required official forms.

The Diocesan Curia will only be responsible for verifying the Catholic identity of the applicants and for presenting the full name list to the competent Returning Officer.  If there are more than ten applicants, the Returning Officer will, in accordance with the Ordinance and on a date to be fixed, draw lots to determine which ten will become members of the EC in the presence of a diocesan representative.  The Diocese earnestly reminds these Catholics to carry out their duties in the light of the Gospel and the social teaching of the Church.

For enquiries, please contact the Chancery Office at 2523 2487 or 2843 4669.

Given at the Chancery Office,

19 July 2021.

Rev. Lawrence LEE


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