Percentages of homosexuals and bisexuals in some major Western nations

範疇(D) 同性戀研究 2. 人口規模
作者Graham Fitzpatrick
題目Percentages of homosexuals and bisexuals in some major Western nations
簡介There has never been questions attached to the national census surveys in Australia or any other country to find out the percentage of the total population who are male homosexuals, lesbians and bisexuals. As a result, for many decades now an amazing myth or fallacy has been spread in the media in many countries claiming that about 10% of their populations are practicing male homosexuals, lesbians and bisexuals. This myth has been repeated so many times by the propagandists of the homosexual, lesbian and paedophile lobbies and by their gullible parrots in numerous sections of the media that millions of people now believe it. It probably will not be long.
關鍵詞Homosexuals , Bisexuals, Populations, 10% myth, Western nations

U.S. Homosexuality – Statistics & Facts

範疇(D)同性戀研究 2. 人口規模
作者Statista Research Department
題目U.S. Homosexuality – Statistics & Facts
簡介Approximately one in 100 American women and two in 100 American men identify as homosexual, with another four percent of Americans identifying as bisexual. Homosexuality is still a controversial topic in the United States, but polls and surveys regarding its moral acceptability or the legalization of same-sex marriage show an obvious trend towards acceptance and tolerance of the LGBT community among the American population.
關鍵詞U.S., Identify as Homosexual, Moral acceptability, Legalization, Census Bureau survey

Sexual orientation: views on nature vs. nurture in the U.S. 1977-2019

範疇(D) 同性戀研究 2. 人口規模
作者Statista Research Department
題目Sexual orientation: views on nature vs. nurture in the U.S. 1977-2019
簡介This statistic shows the shift in Americans’ views from 1977 to 2019 as to whether people are born gay or lesbian, or their sexual orientation develops due to upbringing and environmental factors. In 1977, 13 percent of respondents stated that they believe people were born gay or lesbian. In 2019, 49 percent of respondents believed people were born gay or lesbian.
關鍵詞U.S., Born gay or lesbian, Environmental factors, Census Bureau survey

Number of U.S. same-sex households in 2019, by marital status

範疇(D)同性戀研究 2. 人口規模
作者Erin Duffin
題目Number of U.S. same-sex households in 2019, by marital status
簡介The statistic shows the total number of same-sex households in the United States in 2019, sorted by marital status. In 2019, around 264,691 married male-male couple households were counted, while the number of unmarried male-male couple households stood at 197,524.
關鍵詞U.S., No. of Household, Same-sex couple, Census Bureau survey

Nearly 1 Million Same-Sex Couple Households in 2019, U.S. Census Bureau Says

範疇(D) 同性戀研究 2. 人口規模
題目Nearly 1 Million Same-Sex Couple Households in 2019, U.S. Census Bureau Says
簡介There were nearly 123 million households in the United States last year. The 2019 survey included revised questions designed to more accurately characterize and count same-sex couple households for the first time. The number of same-sex married and unmarried couple households in the United States reached nearly 1 million in 2019, according to a U.S. Census Bureau survey.
關鍵詞U.S., No. of Household, Same-sex couple, Census Bureau survey
來源U.S. News

LGBT Identification Rises to 5.6% in Latest U.S. Estimate

範疇(D) 同性戀研究 2. 人口規模
題目LGBT Identification Rises to 5.6% in Latest U.S. Estimate
簡介Gallup’s latest update on lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender identification finds 5.6% of U.S. adults identifying as LGBT. The current estimate is up from 4.5% in Gallup’s previous update based on 2017 data.
關鍵詞LGBT, Statistics, Bisexual, Not Uncommon, Equal rights

Americans who identify as LGBT from 2012-2017, by generation

範疇(D) 同性戀研究 2. 人口規模
作者Statista Research Department
題目Americans who identify as LGBT from 2012-2017, by generation
簡介This statistic shows the share of adults in the United States who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender from 2012 to 2017. The results were sorted by generation. In 2012, 5.8 percent of Millennials stated they identify as LGBT, while in 2017, 8.2 percent of respondents from the same generation said the same.
關鍵詞Statistics, LGBT, United States, Telephone interview, 18 years or older