Contract Marriages And Covenant Marriages

範疇(C) 性教育 7. 婚姻與家庭
作者Dave Willis
題目Contract Marriages And Covenant Marriages
簡介Some couples can stay committed to each other “for better or for worse,” and other couples crumble. What’s the “secret ingredient” that keeps couples together? There are obviously many factors that contribute to each marriage. There are two mindsets in modern marriage: “Contract Marriages” and “Covenant Marriages.” Those who keep a Covenant mindset will almost never fail and those who keep a Contract mindset will almost never succeed.
關鍵詞Marriage, Contract, Covenant, Mindset
來源Stronger Marriages

美國15歲女與五旬男教師私奔 堅稱沒做錯

範疇(C) 性教育 2. 社會環境與心理
題目美國15歲女與五旬男教師私奔 堅稱沒做錯
簡介美國田納西州15歲女學生托馬斯(Elizabeth Thomas),今年初與50歲教師卡明斯(Tad Cummins)私奔,兩人逃亡5周後於上月尾在加州被發現,男教師被控多項罪名。目前仍在接受治療的托馬斯表示,自己仍深愛着卡明斯,又指兩人沒有錯。
關鍵詞美國, 私奔, 家暴, 綁架罪, 企圖猥褻罪


範疇(C) 性教育 4. 性取向
關鍵詞美國, 性侵, 獸交怪癖, 虐畜罪, 雞姦罪

Understanding Transgender Pregnancy

範疇(C) 性教育 7. 婚姻與家庭
作者Elizabeth Boskey, PhD
題目Understanding Transgender Pregnancy
簡介Many transgender people are interested in having biological children. How easy or dicult it depends on a number of factors. For example, it is far more dicult to save gametes for eventually assisted reproduction for people who medically transition before puberty. On the other hand, a transgender man or transgender non-binary person who is not opposed to carrying a child and who has a partner with a penis may be able to carry a child with relative ease.
關鍵詞Transgender people, Sexual reproduction, Childbearing, Effect of surgery, Transfeminine people

The dad who gave birth: ‘Being pregnant doesn’t change me being a trans man’

範疇(E) 跨性別研究 1.i 科學研究.影響
作者Simon Hattenstone
題目The dad who gave birth: ‘Being pregnant doesn’t change me being a trans man’
簡介McConnell, 32, started taking testosterone at 25 and had “top surgery” to remove breast tissue a year later. He considered a hysterectomy, but never went through with it – partly because he had not ruled out the possibility of having children. He filmed his own story to show the struggle and happiness to carry his own son.
關鍵詞Freddy McConnell, Seahorse, Transgender, Pregnant, Child
來源The Guardian

Sexuality and Gender – Findings from the Biological, Psychological, and Social Sciences

範疇(E) 跨性別研究 1.i 科學研究.影響
作者Lawrence S. Mayer, M.B., M.S., Ph.D. and Paul R. McHugh, M.D.
題目Sexuality and Gender – Findings from the Biological, Psychological, and Social Sciences
簡介This report presents a careful summary and an up-to-date explanation of research—from the biological, psychological, and social sciences—related to sexual orientation and gender identity. It is offered in the hope that such an exposition can contribute to our capacity as physicians, scientists, and citizens to address health issues faced by LGBT populations within our society.
關鍵詞LGBT populations, Sexual orientation, Gender identity, Health issues, Social stress
來源The New Atlantis

Sexuality and Gender – Findings from the Biological, Psychological, and Social Sciences

範疇(D) 同性戀研究 1.i 科學研究.影響
作者Lawrence S. Mayer, M.B., M.S., Ph.D. and Paul R. McHugh, M.D.
題目Sexuality and Gender – Findings from the Biological, Psychological, and Social Sciences
簡介This report presents a careful summary and an up-to-date explanation of research—from the biological, psychological, and social sciences—related to sexual orientation and gender identity. It is offered in the hope that such an exposition can contribute to our capacity as physicians, scientists, and citizens to address health issues faced by LGBT populations within our society.
關鍵詞LGBT populations, Sexual orientation, Gender identity, Health issues, Social stress
來源The New Atlantis

Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria: A Primer

範疇(E) 跨性別研究 1.ii 科學研究.原因
作者Donovan Cleckley
題目Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria: A Primer
簡介Benjamin A. Boyce interviews Dr. Lisa Littman and Sasha Ayad to discuss the phenomenon known as rapid onset gender dysphoria (ROGD). This text, transcribed by Donovan Cleckley, comes from Boyce’s YouTube video “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria.
關鍵詞Rapid Onset gender dysphoria, Lisa Littman, Teenagers, Transgender identification, Gender mental health
來源Uncommon Ground

Prestigious Psychiatry Journal Retracts Findings, Admits Sex-Reassignment Surgery Didn’t Fix Mental Health

範疇(E) 跨性別研究 1.i科學研究.影響
作者Steve Warren
題目Prestigious Psychiatry Journal Retracts Findings, Admits Sex-Reassignment Surgery Didn’t Fix Mental Health
簡介The American Journal of Psychiatry says it got it wrong when it came to analyzing the numbers in a large study of transgender patients undergoing sex-reassignment surgery. Last fall, the journal published the results of the study and found the surgeries improved patients’ mental health. But this week, the journal retracted its findings, saying a second look at the subject found no improvement.
關鍵詞Study of transgender patients, Sex-reassignment surgery, Mental health, Gender identity, Wholeness & happiness
來源CBN News

Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden

範疇(E) 跨性別研究 1.i 科學研究.影響
作者Cecilia Dhejne, Paul Lichtenstein, Marcus Boman, Anna L. V. Johansson, Niklas Långström, Mikael Landén
題目Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden
簡介The treatment for transsexualism is sex reassignment, including hormonal treatment and surgery aimed at making the person’s body as congruent with the opposite sex as possible. There is a dearth of long term, follow-up studies after sex reassignment. This study estimates mortality, morbidity, and criminal rate after surgical sex reassignment of transsexual persons.
關鍵詞性別理論, 性別不安, 治療, 性別重置手術