WA ACLU Sues Catholic Health Group for Discriminating Against Transgender Teen

範疇(F) 同運動態 5.ii. 逆向歧視(案例).外國
作者Ana Sofia Knauf
題目WA ACLU Sues Catholic Health Group for Discriminating Against Transgender Teen
簡介The American Civil Liberties Union of Washington filed a civil rights lawsuit against PeaceHealth, a Catholic hospital organization, for allegedly discriminating against a transgender teen and denying him medically necessary treatment because he is transgender. 
關鍵詞ACLU, PeaceHealth, Discrimination, Transgender, Medical treatment
來源The Stranger

英夫婦否定同性戀生活 遭法官禁止續領養兒童

範疇(F) 同運動態 5.ii. 逆向歧視(案例).外國
題目英夫婦否定同性戀生活 遭法官禁止續領養兒童
關鍵詞基督徒夫婦, 道德, 同性戀, 寄養家庭, 歧視


範疇(F) 同運動態 4.i. 跨性別(案例).香港
作者The Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal
簡介The Appellant is a post-operative male-to-female transsexual person who has undergone sex reassignment surgery (“SRS”) at hospitals managed by the Hospital Authority in Hong Kong. She and her male partner wish to get married but the Respondent refused to celebrate their marriage, deciding that she does not qualify as “a woman” under the Marriage Ordinance (“MO”) and the Matrimonial Causes Ordinance (“MCO”). The Appellant brought judicial review proceedings to challenge that decision, contending that she ought in law to count as a woman for the purposes of marriage.
關鍵詞Transsexual, Sex reassignment surgery, Hong Kong, Marriage, Female
來源The Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal


範疇(C) 性教育 7. 婚姻與家庭
簡介第一条 本法是婚姻家庭关系的基本准则。 第二条 实行婚姻自由、一夫一妻、男女平等的婚姻制度。   保护妇女、儿童和老人的合法权益。   实行计划生育。 第三条 禁止包办、买卖婚姻和其他干涉婚姻自由的行为。禁止借婚姻索取财物。   禁止重婚。禁止有配偶者与他人同居。禁止家庭暴力。禁止家庭成员间的虐待和遗弃。 第四条 夫妻应当互相忠实,互相尊重;家庭成员间应当敬老爱幼,互相帮助,维护平等、和睦、文明的婚姻家庭关系。
關鍵詞中华人民共和国, 婚姻法

Research Shows a Majority of People in Hong Kong Support Gay and Lesbian Couples’ Rights, Not Necessarily Marriage

範疇(D) 同性戀研究 4.i. 公眾意見.香港
作者Loper, KA; Lau, H; Lau, C
題目Research Shows a Majority of People in Hong Kong Support Gay and Lesbian Couples’ Rights, Not Necessarily Marriage
簡介Discussions in Hong Kong about same-sex couples’ rights often focus on the issue of same-sex marriage. However, marriage is not the only way the government could extend rights to same-sex couples. We conducted a public opinion survey to investigate Hong Kong people’s attitudes towards granting same-sex couples a variety of rights, including but not limited to the right to marry. We found that only 27% of the public completely agreed that same-sex couples should be permitted to marry, and 12% said that they somewhat agreed. However, when we asked about rights more generally, our findings were substantially different: 74% of the public supported granting same-sex couples either all or some of the rights that are accorded to heterosexual couples. The remainder of this briefing paper proceeds in two steps. We first provide background on our survey and present our findings. Afterwards, we explore the public policy implications of our research.
關鍵詞Hong Kong, Public opinion, Gay , Lesbian, Same-sex
來源Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong

In the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Court of Appeal Civil Appeal NO 126 of 2017 (on appeal from HCAL NO 258 of 2015)

範疇(F) 同運動態 1.i. 同性婚姻(案例).香港
作者Court of Appeal
題目In the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Court of Appeal Civil Appeal NO 126 of 2017 (on appeal from HCAL NO 258 of 2015)
簡介By judgment [2018] HKCA 318 handed down on 1 June 2018, this Court allowed the 1st respondent’s appeal in respect of the Benefits Decision and dismissed the applicant’s cross-appeal in respect of the Tax Decision. The applicant now applies for leave to appeal to the Court of Final Appeal pursuant to section 22(1)(b) of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Ordinance, Cap 484, on both the “great general or public importance” limb and the “or otherwise” limb.
關鍵詞Same-sex Marriage, Spousal Benefits, Tax Accessments, LGBT Rights, Appeal
來源vLex Hong Kong

Leung Chun Kwong v Secretary for the Civil Service and Commissioner of Inland Revenue

範疇(F) 同運動態 4.i. 同性婚姻(案例).香港
作者Daly & Associates
題目Leung Chun Kwong v Secretary for the Civil Service and Commissioner of Inland Revenue
FACV No. 8 of 2018 on appeal from CACV No. 126 of 2017 [2019] HKCFA 19
簡介A milestone in the LGBT rights development in Hong Kong – A civil servant, represented by Daly & Associates, successfully challenged the Government’s discriminatory policies in refusing spousal benefits and tax assessments.
關鍵詞Same-sex Marriage, Spousal Benefits, Tax Accessments, LGBT Rights, Discriminatory Policies
來源Daly & Associates

Seminar on Third-Party interventions in Court Cases on Same-sex Partnership Rights – Insights and Implications

範疇(F) 同運動態 1.i. 同性婚姻(案例).香港
作者Amnesty International, Hogan Lovells, CCPL
題目Seminar on Third-Party interventions in Court Cases on Same-sex Partnership Rights – Insights and Implications
簡介Over the last two years, international human rights organizations, banks and law firms have applied to intervene as third parties in local courts in the Angus Leung case and the QT case. The Court of Final Appeal in April 2018 dismissed three separate applications by Amnesty international and 31 financial institutions and law firms to intervene in the government appeal in QT, which was heard in early June. Although not all were accepted, these applications to intervene in Leung and QT set further precedents for NGOs, law firms and the business sector to intervene in legal cases alleging human rights violations of same-sex couples. The seminar serve as a platform to learn and share rationale, experience and insight of advancing rights for same-sed couples through intervening in strategic legal cases.
關鍵詞Same-sex marriage, Same-sex civil partnership, Rights for same-sex couples, Spousal employment and tax benefits, Dependent visas
來源Amnesty International, Hogan Lovells, CCPL

Public Attitudes towards Gays and Lesbians and towards Sexual Orientation Anti-discrimination Legislation

範疇(D) 同性戀研究4.i. 公眾意見.香港
作者Kelley Loper, Holning Lau, and Charles Lau
題目Public Attitudes towards Gays and Lesbians and towards Sexual Orientation Anti-discrimination Legislation
簡介There is mounting discussion about introducing legislation in Hong Kong to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation in the private sector. The Hong Kong Equal Opportunities Commission launched a Discrimination Law Review in July 2014 and has commissioned a study on the feasibility of legislating against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and intersex status. To inform this conversation, this briefing paper presents public opinion data from a 2013 telephone survey. We report public attitudes towards gays and lesbians and towards proposed anti-discrimination legislation.
關鍵詞Sexual Orientation, Discrimination Law, Hong Kong, Gender Identity, Intersex Status
來源Centre for Comparative and Public Law


範疇(D)同性戀研究 4.i. 公眾意見.香港
簡介在香港,關於同性伴侶權利的討論往往集中於同性婚姻這個話題。然而,在婚姻以外,政府其實還可以用別的方式來授予同性伴侶權利。有見及此,我們進行了一項有關香港市民對同性伴侶各種權利的態度的意見調查。這項調查正正涵蓋了婚姻以及其他伴侶權利。調查發現,雖然只有27%的市民完全同意准許同性伴侶結婚和12%的人表示比較支持同性婚姻,但當我們問及婚姻以外的伴侶權利時,市民的意見便變得顯著不同: 多達74%的市民認為同性伴侶至少應該擁有異性夫婦所享有的某些權利。在此簡報中,我們會先介紹此次調查的背景及調查結果,然後就會探討這項研究對公共政策的啟示。
關鍵詞同性伴侶權利, 醫院探訪 , 住房歧視 , 死亡事故, 財產繼承
來源Centre for Comparative and Public Law (University of Hong Kong)