An endocrinologist studies the transgender movement’s most popular kid’s book

範疇(C) 性教育 2. 社會環境與心理
作者Michael K. Laidlaw
題目An endocrinologist studies the transgender movement’s most popular kid’s book
簡介Children with gender dysphoria deserve our compassion and deserve to be treated with dignity and kindness, just like all other children. To some degree, children who share a class with a gender-dysphoric child will need to be educated about what that means and how to address that situation. This should be done by parents and guardians primarily, but ideally in cooperation with teachers and staff. Unfortunately, I Am Jazz actually works against educating children about gender dysphoria.
關鍵詞Gender dysphoria, Neurons, Genes, DNA, Chromosomes, Human cell
來源LifeSite – Opini Gender