Research Shows a Majority of People in Hong Kong Support Gay and Lesbian Couples’ Rights, Not Necessarily Marriage

範疇(D) 同性戀研究 4.i. 公眾意見.香港
作者Loper, KA; Lau, H; Lau, C
題目Research Shows a Majority of People in Hong Kong Support Gay and Lesbian Couples’ Rights, Not Necessarily Marriage
簡介Discussions in Hong Kong about same-sex couples’ rights often focus on the issue of same-sex marriage. However, marriage is not the only way the government could extend rights to same-sex couples. We conducted a public opinion survey to investigate Hong Kong people’s attitudes towards granting same-sex couples a variety of rights, including but not limited to the right to marry. We found that only 27% of the public completely agreed that same-sex couples should be permitted to marry, and 12% said that they somewhat agreed. However, when we asked about rights more generally, our findings were substantially different: 74% of the public supported granting same-sex couples either all or some of the rights that are accorded to heterosexual couples. The remainder of this briefing paper proceeds in two steps. We first provide background on our survey and present our findings. Afterwards, we explore the public policy implications of our research.
關鍵詞Hong Kong, Public opinion, Gay , Lesbian, Same-sex
來源Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong

HIV Among Gay and Bisexual Men

範疇(D) 同性戀研究 1.i. 科學研究.影響
作者Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
題目HIV Among Gay and Bisexual Men
簡介Gay and bisexual men are more severely affected by HIV than any other group in the United States. From 2005 to 2014, HIV diagnoses decreased in the United States by 19% overall, but increased 6% among all gay and bisexual men, driven by increases among African American and Hispanic/Latino gay and bisexual men. Over the past 5 years (2010-2014), the increase in HIV diagnoses among all gay and bisexual men was less than 1%, although progress has been uneven among races/ethnicities.
關鍵詞Gay, Bisexual men, HIV, PrEP, ART

If There Was a Gay-Straight Switch, Would You Switch?

範疇(D) 同性戀研究 1.ii 科學研究.原因
作者Marcus Baram
題目If There Was a Gay-Straight Switch, Would You Switch?
簡介Is there a switch that turns you gay? Studies seem certain to bolster the growing scientific consensus that homosexuality is biological rather than learned. And they point to an answer to the lingering question of whether sexual orientation is hard-wired into the brain or whether it can be altered. But both sides of the debate agree that just because fruit flies and mice can easily switch from straight to gay does not mean that it is that easy for humans to make the same transition.
關鍵詞Gay, Homosexual behavior, Gender blind (GB) gene, Neural synapses, Female mice
來源ABC News Medical Unit