If There Was a Gay-Straight Switch, Would You Switch?

範疇(C) 性教育 4.性取向
作者Marcus Baram
題目If There Was a Gay-Straight Switch, Would You Switch?
簡介Is there a switch that turns you gay? That’s the startling question raised again by a recent experiment in which scientists said they were able to turn on and off homosexual behavior in fruit flies. Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago said they discovered what they call a “gender blind gene,” or GB, in male fruit flies. A mutation in this GB gene spurred the males flies to start courting other males, as well as females.
關鍵詞Sexual orientation, Switch, Homosexuality, Biological, Learned
來源ABC News

The gay gene myth has been exploded

範疇(D) 同性戀研究 1.ii. 科學研究.原因
作者Paul Sullins
題目The gay gene myth has been exploded
簡介The findings of a study of the genetic basis of homosexuality published last week in the journal Science explode the false narrative that being gay is an innate condition that is controlled or largely compelled by one’s genetic makeup. The study found that a person’s developmental environment–the influence of diet, family, friends, neighbourhood, religion, and a host of other life conditions–was twice as influential as genetics on the probability of adopting same-sex behaviour or orientation. The genetic influence did not come from one or two strong sources but from dozens of genetic variants that each added a small increased propensity for same-sex behaviour.
關鍵詞Genetic basis, Homosexuality, Developmental environment, Same-sex behaviour, Study

What? I thought I was born gay!

範疇(D) 同性戀研究 1.ii. 科學研究.原因
作者David Pickup
題目What? I thought I was born gay! 
簡介Research, published last week in Science, evidently a reasonably accurate study completed by many credible scientists, has concluded that the results show there is “no single gay gene.” But the researchers and the political activists have not wasted a second of time in reporting that both genetics and emotional environment are still “likely” to play a role in causation. In other words, they are saying “we don’t really know what causes homosexual behavior, but it must be true that genes and environment make people gay.”
關鍵詞Homosexuality, Genes, Environment, Same-sex behavior, Research

Genome studies must account for history

範疇(D) 同性戀研究 1.ii. 科學研究.原因
作者Sarah S. Richardson, Alexander Borsa, Marion Boulicault, Jonathan Galka, Nayanika Chosh, Annika Gompers, Nicole E. Noll, Meg Perret, Meredith W. Reiches, Juana C. Becerra Sandoval, Heather Shattuck-Heidorn, Joseph Vitti, Brianna Weir, and Helen Zhao
題目Genome studies must account for history
簡介In their Research Article “Large-scale GWAS reveals insights into the genetic architecture of same-sex sexual behavior”, A. Ganna et al. found that prevalence of same-sex experience in the UK Biobank population increased four-fold across study participants’ birth years, and prevalence in the younger, self-selecting 23andMe consumer population was 6 times that of UK Biobank. The authors treat single nucleotide polymorphisms identified in these populations as ahistorical components of the “architecture of same-sex sexual behavior.” We question the generalizability of their findings. Political context and stigmatization of homosexuality affects whether people engage in and/or report same-sex behavior. Historical conditions such as decriminalization of homosexuality in 1967 and legalization of marriage equality in 2013 and 2014 instigated substantial shifts in reporting of same-sex orientations.
關鍵詞Genetic, Sociocultural, Same-sex sexual behavior, Homosexuality, Survey

Controversy Continues to Grow Over DSM’s GID Diagnosis

範疇(C) 性教育 4. 性取向
作者Ken Hausman
題目Controversy Continues to Grow Over DSM’s GID Diagnosis
簡介The diagnosis of gender identity disorder (GID) is one of those handful of diagnoses that invoke passionate debate. With the fifth edition of APA’s diagnostic manual DSM-V now in the early planning stage, its authors will have to confront the contentious issue of whether the manual should again include the diagnosis of GID.
關鍵詞GID, Gender role, Pathology, Homosexuality, Diagnosis
來源Psychiatric News

Scientists find DNA differences between gay men and their straight twin brothers

範疇(D) 同性戀研究1.ii. 科學研究.原因
作者Melissa Healy
題目Scientists find DNA differences between gay men and their straight twin brothers
簡介For men, new research suggests that clues to sexual orientation may lie not just in the genes, but in the spaces between the DNA, where molecular marks instruct genes when to turn on and off and how strongly to express themselves.
關鍵詞Sexual orientation, Clue, Genes, Epigenetic marks, Homosexuality
來源Los Angeles Times

Child expert: Those who insist boys should play with dolls are ‘mistaken’

範疇(C) 性教育 3. 性別理論
作者Life Site News
題目Child expert: Those who insist boys should play with dolls are ‘mistaken’
簡介In an age when parents are being advised to treat their children as “gender neutral” and to combat toxic masculinity in their male children, a child expert says the inherent dangers of this approach are being overlooked. Studies have repeatedly showed that children are indeed ‘hard-wired’ in their toy preferences as boys and girls, and that they are very different.  
關鍵詞Gender confusion, Gender neutrality, Homosexuality, Leonard sax, Toddlers

Does California Law Deny Parents’ Right to Opt Out of ‘Gender Education’

範疇(F) 同運動態 3.i. 社會局勢.國外
作者Brian Fraga
題目Does California Law Deny Parents’ Right to Opt Out of ‘Gender Education’
簡介The issue was spotlighted by a recent Orange County Board of Education legal memo. The memo argues that a 2016 state law that overhauled the state’s sex-education curriculum may allow parents to opt their children out of lessons about sexual health and sexually transmitted diseases, but not for classroom instruction on issues such as homosexuality or transgenderism.
關鍵詞Homosexuality, Transgenderism, Sex-education, Gender expression, Gender identity
來源National Catholic REGISTER – America’s most complete Catholic news source