The Vision Splendid

範疇(C) 性教育 7. 婚姻與家庭
作者Warwick & Alison Marsh
題目The Vision Splendid
簡介This is a speech conducted by Warwick & Alison Marsh concerning divorce in Australia. The Institute for Family Studies admitted that divorce is not a good thing for children or society as a whole. One of the greatest fears our young children have growing up is the ever present concern that their parents might get divorced. It’s the fear of having to choose between mum and dad. Strong marriages mean strong families. Strong families mean a strong nation.
關鍵詞Marriage, Relationship, Men & Women, Divorce, Australia
來源Gender Matters

The story of a sperm donor – and his “families”

範疇(C) 性教育8. 道德討論
作者CW Lam
題目The story of a sperm donor – and his “families”
簡介作為社工應否有價值介入?此簡報以一名捐精者的真實故事為引子,論述(1)論旨、論點;(2) 實證社會工作觀;(3)另類社會工作範式;及(4)強烈價值介入論及支持理據
關鍵詞Sperm Donor, Family, Relationship, Children, 12 years
來源CW Lam