U.S. parents accept children’s transgender identity by age three

範疇(C) 性教育 4. 性取向
作者Daniel Trotta
題目U.S. parents accept children’s transgender identity by age three
簡介Increasingly across the United States, doctors and parents of transgender children are embracing their identity as soon it starts becoming obvious, sometimes around age 3. Many say they are finding much greater chances of happiness and well-being when children are nurtured in their new gender identity at such a young age. With better education, today’s transgender children generally receive much more support than those surveyed adults did in their youth.
關鍵詞Transgender boy, Transgender children, Gender identity, Long-term psychosexual, Transgender Equality
來源Reuters – Lifestyle

School has SEVENTEEN children changing gender as teacher says vulnerable pupils are being ‘tricked’ into believing they are the wrong sex

範疇(C) 性教育 2. 社會環境與心理
作者Sanchez Manning
題目School has SEVENTEEN children changing gender as teacher says vulnerable pupils are being ‘tricked’ into believing they are the wrong sex
簡介An astonishing 17 pupils at one British school are in the process of changing gender. Most of the children undergoing autistic transformations, according to a teacher there, who said vulnerable children with mental health problems were being ‘tricked’ into believing they were the wrong sex. While 17 children transitioned in one secondary school, no doubt – almost certainly repeated in another. What happens is this: we bring up a generation of children who have quite complex mental health problems.
關鍵詞Autistic, Vulnerable children, Transgender children, Wrong body, Protect pupils
來源Daily Mail Online