Press Release

His Eminence Cardinal Stephen Chow, S.J.,

Bishop of Hong Kong

The coat of arms

Galero: scarlet

Tassels: scarlet

The 30 tassels are divided into left and right sides, with 15 tassels on each, in a five-layered pyramid.

The composition of the coat of arms of Cardinal-elect Stephen Chow, S.J. is the same as that of his Episcopal coat of arms, both are composed of 6 identical parts.

The main color of Cardinal-elect Stephen Chow, S.J.’s coat of arms is scarlet. Cardinals wear scarlet as a sign of the blood of the martyrs, it is associated with religion, devotion, and sacrifice. It is because as a cardinal, when necessary, he testifies to his faith and will not hesitate to “shed blood”.

For detailed description of each part of Cardinal-elect Stephen Chow, S.J.’s coat of arms, please refer to :

Cardinal-elect Stephen Chow, S.J. earnestly requests the faithful to keep praying for him and the God-given mission of the Diocese of Hong Kong.

Media Hotline:  Loura FOO   Paul TO     3565 2045

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  • By: davc
  • By: davc