Percentages of homosexuals and bisexuals in some major Western nations

範疇(D) 同性戀研究 2. 人口規模
作者Graham Fitzpatrick
題目Percentages of homosexuals and bisexuals in some major Western nations
簡介There has never been questions attached to the national census surveys in Australia or any other country to find out the percentage of the total population who are male homosexuals, lesbians and bisexuals. As a result, for many decades now an amazing myth or fallacy has been spread in the media in many countries claiming that about 10% of their populations are practicing male homosexuals, lesbians and bisexuals. This myth has been repeated so many times by the propagandists of the homosexual, lesbian and paedophile lobbies and by their gullible parrots in numerous sections of the media that millions of people now believe it. It probably will not be long.
關鍵詞Homosexuals , Bisexuals, Populations, 10% myth, Western nations