If There Was a Gay-Straight Switch, Would You Switch?

範疇(C) 性教育 4.性取向
作者Marcus Baram
題目If There Was a Gay-Straight Switch, Would You Switch?
簡介Is there a switch that turns you gay? That’s the startling question raised again by a recent experiment in which scientists said they were able to turn on and off homosexual behavior in fruit flies. Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago said they discovered what they call a “gender blind gene,” or GB, in male fruit flies. A mutation in this GB gene spurred the males flies to start courting other males, as well as females.
關鍵詞Sexual orientation, Switch, Homosexuality, Biological, Learned
來源ABC News

The Desire Disorder in Research on Sexual Orientation in Women: Contributions of Dynamical Systems Theory

範疇(C) 性教育 4.性取向
作者Lisa M. Diamond
題目The Desire Disorder in Research on Sexual Orientation in Women: Contributions of Dynamical Systems Theory
簡介Over the past decade, numerous studies have documented fundamental differences between the phenomenology of male and female sexual orientation, largely centering on women’s capacity for fluidity in their sexual attractions. The past decade has also witnessed fundamental changes in clinical perspectives on “normal” versus “dysfunctional” patterns of female sexual desire, largely centering on women’s greater capacity for responsive and context-dependent sexual desires. In both cases, traditional male-based models of sexuality have been found inadequate to describe women’s experiences. I argue that this inadequacy stems from a failure of traditional models to appropriately account for the phenomenon of variability over time, which may constitute a fundamental feature of female sexual phenomenology. I maintain that dynamical systems theory provides a useful and generative approach for reconceptualizing female sexual orientation, because dynamical systems models focus specifically on describing and explaining complex patterns of change over time. I review the key properties of dynamical systems models and provide an illustrative model of how this approach might yield new perspectives on female sexual orientation.
關鍵詞Sexual orientation, Sexual fluidity, Sexual dysfunction, Dynamical systems theory, Women

Study Shatters ‘Bisexual Until Graduation’ Myth

範疇(C) 性教育 4.性取向
作者Dan Childs
題目Study Shatters ‘Bisexual Until Graduation’ Myth
簡介A new study may shatter the notion that women who identify as bisexual are “sexually confused” or simply in a “transitional phase” between homosexuality and heterosexuality.
關鍵詞Sexual Identity, Bisexuality, Women, Transitional phase, Distinct sexual orientation
來源ABC News

Sexual Orientation & Homosexuality

範疇(C) 性教育 4.性取向
題目Sexual Orientation & Homosexuality
簡介Since 1975, the American Psychological Association has called on psychologists to take the lead in removing the stigma of mental illness that has long been associated with lesbian, gay and bisexual orientations. The discipline of psychology is concerned with the well-being of people and groups and therefore with threats to that well-being. The prejudice and discrimination that people who identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual regularly experience have been shown to have negative psychological effects. This pamphlet is designed to provide accurate information for those who want to better understand sexual orientation and the impact of prejudice and discrimination on those who identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual.
關鍵詞APA, Sexual orientation, Stigma, Impact, Prejudice and discrimination
來源American Psychological Association

【同志長者專訪】 施魅力:我的愛情不求承諾只求滿足

範疇(C) 性教育 4. 性取向
題目【同志長者專訪】 施魅力:我的愛情不求承諾只求滿足
簡介曾隱藏同志身分大半生的施魅力,直至母親過世才踱出衣櫃,無懼、自由自在地愛。雖然他的愛情觀未必為大眾所接受和理解,但他和男伴自得其樂。因為他深信及時行樂、愛得坦蕩才是他追求的 Gay life。他無意要別人認同自己的愛情觀,只希望其他同志,特別是同志長者不要因「同志、長者」雙重身分邊緣化自己,要拾回尊嚴,自由自在地愛,他強調「要愛自己,才懂得愛別人。」
關鍵詞同志, 隱藏身份, 香港, 愛情觀, 長者

Parents beware: Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria a social contagion among girls

範疇(C) 性教育 4. 性取向
作者Dorothy Cummings McLean
題目Parents beware: Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria a social contagion among girls
簡介A new social contagion, called Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, is making families miserable as previously contented girls attempt to become boys through hormones and surgery. Brown University social-health researcher Lisa Littman dubbed the recent phenomenon of young women seeking sex-reassignment out of the blue as “rapid onset gender dysphoria” or ROGD. Like suicide, cutting, and bulimia, ROGD is a social contagion, albeit one that primarily affects girls. 
關鍵詞Family, Gender confusion, Rapid-onset gender dysphoria, Social Contagion, Transgenderism
來源LIFE Site

Gender dysphoria in children

範疇(C) 性教育 4. 性取向
題目Gender dysphoria in children
簡介Gender dysphoria in children (GD), also known as gender incongruence of childhood, is a formal diagnosis for children who experience significant discontent (gender dysphoria) due to a mismatch between their assigned sex and gender identity. The diagnostic label gender identity disorder in children (GIDC) was used by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) until it was renamed gender dysphoria in children in 2013 with the release of the DSM-5. The diagnosis was renamed to remove the stigma associated with the term disorder.
關鍵詞Gender, Dysphoria, Disorder, Signs and symptoms, Management

Gender Dysphoria in Children

範疇(C) 性教育4. 性取向
作者Michelle Cretella, MD
題目Gender Dysphoria in Children
簡介Gender dysphoria (GD) of childhood describes a psychological condition in which children experience a marked incongruence between their experienced gender and the gender associated with their biological sex. When this occurs in the pre-pubertal child, GD resolves in the vast majority of patients by late adolescence. Currently there is a vigorous, albeit suppressed, debate among physicians, therapists, and academics regarding what is fast becoming the new treatment standard for GD in children. This new paradigm is rooted in the assumption that GD is innate, and involves pubertal suppression with gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists followed by the use of cross-sex hormones—a combination that results in the sterility of minors. A review of the current literature suggests that this protocol is founded upon an unscientific gender ideology, lacks an evidence base, and violates the long-standing ethical principle of “First do no harm.”
關鍵詞Gender , Sex, Dysphoria, Children, Treatment
來源American College of Pediatricians

Gender Dysphoria

範疇(C) 性教育 4. 性取向
作者American Psychiatric Association
題目Gender Dysphoria
簡介In the upcoming fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), people whose gender at birth is contrary to the one they identify with will be diagnosed with gender dysphoria. This diagnosis is a revision of DSM-IV’s criteria for gender identity disorder and is intended to better characterize the experiences of affected children, adolescents, and adults.
關鍵詞Gender, Dysphoria, Transition, Sexual Dysfunctions , Paraphilic Disorders
來源American Psychiatric Association

Controversy Continues to Grow Over DSM’s GID Diagnosis

範疇(C) 性教育 4. 性取向
作者Ken Hausman
題目Controversy Continues to Grow Over DSM’s GID Diagnosis
簡介The diagnosis of gender identity disorder (GID) is one of those handful of diagnoses that invoke passionate debate. With the fifth edition of APA’s diagnostic manual DSM-V now in the early planning stage, its authors will have to confront the contentious issue of whether the manual should again include the diagnosis of GID.
關鍵詞GID, Gender role, Pathology, Homosexuality, Diagnosis
來源Psychiatric News