Zoophilia and the law

範疇(C) 性教育 2. 社會環境與心理
題目Zoophilia and the law
簡介Zoophilia and the law looks at the laws governing humans performing sex acts with non-human animals. Laws against humans performing sex acts on animals, where they exist, are concerned with the actual act, which it commonly refers to as bestiality, rather than the sexual attraction to animals. For this reason, prohibitions of zoophilic pornography are more varied; they may be unlawful if an actual sex act with an animal is involved, but the status is not clear-cut if there is a mere representation, such as a painting or cartoon. In that case, normal obscenity laws will normally apply. All zoophilic imagery is widely regarded as pornography.
關鍵詞Sex acts, Sexual attraction, Non-human animals, Law, Bestiality

Heavy petting

範疇(C) 性教育 8. 道德討論
作者Peter Singer
題目Heavy petting – The philosopher of animal liberation considers a remarkable book which chronicles the history of bestiality
簡介Sex with animals is still taboo. If Midas Dekkers, author of Dearest Pet: On Bestiality, is right, this is not because of its rarity. Dekkers, a Dutch biologist, has assembled a substantial body of evidence to show that humans have often thought of “love for animals” in ways that go beyond a pat and a hug. 
關鍵詞Bestiality, Sex with animals, Heavy petting, Reproductive, Human dignity