Gay Community Periodic Survey: Perth 2017

範疇(D) 同性戀研究, 1.i 科學研究.影響
作者Evelyn Lee, Limin Mao, Toby Lea, Matt Bacon, David Kernohan, Lisa Bastian, Roanna Lobo, Garrett Prestage, Martin Holt
題目Gay Community Periodic Survey: Perth 2017
簡介The Perth Gay Community Periodic Survey is a longitudinal and cross-sectional survey of gay and homosexually active men in Perth. The project is funded by the Department of Health, Western Australia, and supported by the Western Australian AIDS Council. The Centre for Social Research in Health coordinates the survey, with support from the Kirby Institute. The major aim of the survey is to provide data on sexual, drug use and testing practices related to the transmission of HIV and other sexually transmissible infections (STIs) among gay men. The most recent survey, the eleventh in Perth, was conducted in October 2017 to coincide with Perth Pride Fair Day.
關鍵詞HIV testing, Sexual practices, Sexual health, Drug use, PEP & PrEP
來源UNSW Sydney