Meet a 10-Year-Old Boy Who is Being Raised as a ‘Drag Queen’

範疇(C) 性教育 8. 道德討論
作者Marcia Segelstein
題目Meet a 10-Year-Old Boy Who is Being Raised as a ‘Drag Queen’
簡介One wonders how he came to identify himself as gay at the tender age of 10. I’m not sure if it’s more upsetting to think that he understands what that means, or that he doesn’t. Desmond’s parents, and NBC News, seem almost blissfully unaware of what the young boy’s childhood has become. another outrage:  This is NBC News profiling a 10-year-old boy because he likes to dress up in fancy dresses and over-the-top makeup. It’s shameless and tawdry and exploitative, and NBC News should be ashamed.
關鍵詞Drag Kid, Desmond Is Amazing, Homosexual, Child Abuse, Media
來源National Catholic Register