MK v Government of HKSAR HCAL 1077/2018; [2019] HKCFI 2518

範疇(F) 同運動態 1.i. 同性婚姻(案例).香港
題目MK v Government of HKSAR HCAL 1077/2018; [2019] HKCFI 2518
簡介On 11 June 2018, the Applicant (a Hong Kong permanent resident and a lesbian) filed an application for leave to apply for judicial review challenging the laws of Hong Kong insofar as they do not allow same-sex couples to marry and fail to provide any alternative means of legal recognition of same-sex partnership (such as civil union or registered partnership) as violating her right to privacy under Article 14 of the Hong Kong Bill of Rights (“HKBOR”); and her right to equality, or protection against discrimination on the ground of her sexual orientation, under Article 25 of the Basic Law (“BL”) and Article 22 of the HKBOR.
關鍵詞Hong Kong, Law, Lesbian, Marriage, Same-sex partnership
來源Department of Justice, HKSAR