Controversy Continues to Grow Over DSM’s GID Diagnosis

範疇(C) 性教育 4. 性取向
作者Ken Hausman
題目Controversy Continues to Grow Over DSM’s GID Diagnosis
簡介The diagnosis of gender identity disorder (GID) is one of those handful of diagnoses that invoke passionate debate. With the fifth edition of APA’s diagnostic manual DSM-V now in the early planning stage, its authors will have to confront the contentious issue of whether the manual should again include the diagnosis of GID.
關鍵詞GID, Gender role, Pathology, Homosexuality, Diagnosis
來源Psychiatric News

Annual Report of Trends in Behaviour 2017 HIV and STIs in Australia

範疇(D) 同性戀研究 1.i 科學研究.影響
作者Limin Mao, Martin Holt, Christy Newman, Carla Treloar
題目Annual Report of Trends in Behaviour 2017 HIV and STIs in Australia
簡介This year’s publication of the Annual Report of Trends in Behaviour on HIV and sexually transmissible infections (STIs) occurs within a very dynamic context for HIV and STIs. Some of the indicators we have relied on from the early days of the epidemic are no longer sufficient to capture and understand changes in practice. We have therefore adapted our surveillance mechanisms to identify and understand the impacts of advances in biomedical technologies and evolving community practices. This has necessitated additional care in unpacking and interpreting the results of our studies to guide Australian blood-borne virus (BBV) and STI responses.
關鍵詞HIV, STI, Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment
來源UNSW Sydney