The West can learn a lot from Hungary’s pro-family policies

範疇(C) 性教育 7. 婚姻與家庭
作者C C Pecknold
題目The West can learn a lot from Hungary’s pro-family policies
簡介Many liberal democracies are facing a social crisis today because their governments pursued policies which undermined the family. But since 2010, one country has seen marriage rates increase by a whopping 43 per cent with their divorce rate dropping by 22.5 per cent. Unsurprisingly, with the increase in marriage, 33 per cent fewer women are having abortions today than they were eight years ago. Likewise the national birth rate is currently at its highest in 20 years. The country is Hungary.
關鍵詞Marriage, Divorce, Abortion, Pro-marriage strategy, Necessary societies
來源Catholic Herald