
範疇(E) 跨性別研究 3.生活質素
簡介Transgender, often shortened as trans, is an umbrella term; in addition to including people whose gender identity is the opposite of their assigned sex (trans men and trans women), it may also include people who are non-binary or genderqueer. Many transgender people experience gender dysphoria, and some seek medical treatments such as hormone replacement therapy, sex reassignment surgery, or psychotherapy. In many places, they are not legally protected from discrimination.
關鍵詞Transgender, Gender identity, Transsexual, Assigned sex, Third gender
來源Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Recalled Separation Anxiety in Childhood in Istmo Zapotec Men, Women, and Muxes

範疇(E) 跨性別研究 1.ii 科學研究.原因
作者Francisco R. Gomez, Scott W. Semenyna, Lucas Court, Paul L. Vasey
題目Recalled Separation Anxiety in Childhood in Istmo Zapotec Men, Women, and Muxes
簡介This research compared retrospective reports of childhood separation anxiety among Istmo Zapotec men, women, muxe gunaa, and muxe nguiiu. Retrospective research conducted in Canada and Samoa demonstrates that cisgender and transgender androphilic males recall elevated indicators of childhood separation anxiety, when compared to males who are gynephilic (i.e., sexually attracted to adult females).
關鍵詞Sexual orientation , Male androphilia , Childhood separation anxiety, Zapotec, Cross-cultural universals
來源Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016

LGBT activists reveal how movement gained power, changed laws

範疇(E) 跨性別研究 4.ii. 公眾意見.外國
作者Doug Mainwaring
題目LGBT activists reveal how movement gained power, changed laws
簡介A manifesto detailing the strategies transgender lobbying organizations have used to rapidly gain political power and unheard of cultural influence also provides insight into how the western world suddenly finds itself kowtowing to the extreme demands of trans ideology. Over the years, progressives who seek to fundamentally change society have diligently developed strategies that win. Activists have sought to educate the public that legal gender recognition is a purely civil process. Trans activism relies on the cowardice of the majority.
關鍵詞Transgender lobbying organizations, Political power, Trans ideology, LGBT activists, Government agenda
來源Blogs – LifeSite

“Ladies and gentlemen’ no longer welcome on NYC subways

範疇(E) 跨性別研究 4.ii 公眾意見.外國
作者Todd Starnes
題目“Ladies and gentlemen’ no longer welcome on NYC subways
簡介The New York Post reports the Metropolitan Transit Authority has ordered all subway personnel to refrain from addressing riders as “ladies and gentlemen.” Instead, staffers have been told they must use gender neutral words like riders, passengers, and everyone according to a memorandum obtained exclusively by the Post. Subway workers say political correctness has derailed the nation’s largest subway system. “They are trying to be politically correct,” one worker told the Post. “They are acknowledging that they have some transgender riders. They don’t want to offend. An MTA spokesperson told the Post that gender issues were a consideration for the move.
關鍵詞Gender neutral words, Memorandum, Subway system, Transgender riders, Gender issues
來源Fox News – Todd’s American Dispatch

Prestigious Psychiatry Journal Retracts Findings, Admits Sex-Reassignment Surgery Didn’t Fix Mental Health

範疇(E) 跨性別研究 1.i. 科學研究.影響
作者Steve Warren
題目Prestigious Psychiatry Journal Retracts Findings, Admits Sex-Reassignment Surgery Didn’t Fix Mental Health
簡介It is about the numbers in a large study of transgender patients undergoing sex-reassignment surgery which is to be analysed. It was claimed that the results of the study found the surgeries improved patients’ mental health, but later, the journal retracted its findings, saying a second look at the subject found no improvement.
關鍵詞Prestigious psychiatry, Transgender patients, Sex-reassignment surgery, Surgery transition, Mental health
來源CBN News, the Christian Perspective

灣仔區會通過表格性別欄加入「其他」選項 跨性別人士:感到接納和支持

範疇(E) 跨性別研究 4.i. 公眾意見.香港
題目灣仔區會通過表格性別欄加入「其他」選項 跨性別人士:感到接納和支持


範疇(E) 跨性別研究 4.ii. 公眾意見.外國
簡介美國眾議院議長南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)和規則委員會(rules committee)主席吉姆·麥克高文 (Jim McGovern) 宣佈「通過將眾議院規則中的代詞和家庭關係用語,改為性別中立,以尊重所有性別認同。」

Conversion therapy ban will outlaw faith practice

範疇(E) 跨性別研究 4.ii. 公眾意見.外國
作者Marilyn Rodrigues
題目Conversion therapy ban will outlaw faith practice
簡介新聞報導——有關澳洲Victoria禁止為未成年人進行Conversion Therapy,將對宗教自由及家長權利構成嚴重影響
關鍵詞Conversion Therapy, Religious Freedom, Parental Rights
來源The Catholic Weekly (Australia)

Ban on conversion therapy could be used to stifle freedoms: bishops

範疇(E) 跨性別研究 4.ii. 公眾意見. 外國
作者BRIAN DRYDEN of the B.C. Catholic, Canada
題目Ban on conversion therapy could be used to stifle freedoms: bishops
簡介新聞報導——有關加拿大天主教主教團7/10/2020發聲明,警告聯邦政府,下議院於1/10/2020禁止為未成年人進行Conversion Therapy,將對宗教自由及家長權利構成嚴重影響
關鍵詞Conversion Therapy, Religious Freedom, Parental Rights
來源The B.C. Catholic

The corrosive impact of transgender ideology

範疇(E) 跨性別研究 1.i. 科學研究.影響
作者Joanna Williams
題目The corrosive impact of transgender ideology
簡介‘Transgender’ has gone from a term that represents individuals and is little used outside the specialist community, to signifying a strong political ideology driving significant social change in less than two decades. These shifts or changes, particularly at the individual level, have occurred through the separation of gender from sex, before bringing biology back through a sense of brain-based ‘gender identity’. However, the total number of transgender individuals is actually still small. That transgenderism has moved from niche to mainstream, it tells us more about the whole community than about transgender individuals. The expansion of transgender rights has gone hand in hand or in line with the expansion of state and institutional speech and behaviour regulations (both public and private). This would underscore the significant differences between current transgender activist and the gay rights movement from a previous era.
關鍵詞Transgender ideology, gender-identity, transgender individual, transgender activist, gay rights movement
來源Civitas, 55 Tufton Street, London SW1P3QL