The Case for Marriage

範疇(C) 性教育 7. 婚姻與家庭
作者Linda Waite and Maggie Gallagher
題目The Case for Marriage
簡介When politicians point to high costs and taxpayer burden imposed by disintegrating “family values,” they overlook the fact that individuals do not simply make the decisions that lead to unwed parenthood, marriage, or divorce on the basis of what is good for society. They weigh the costs and benefits of each of these choices to themselves – and sometimes their children. The author would like to tell people what their decisions about marriage and family potentially mean for them as individuals.
關鍵詞Marriage, Family, Benefits, Morality, Australia
來源Research Gate

Gender Ambiguity

範疇(C) 性教育 7. 婚姻與家庭
作者Babette Francis
題目Gender Ambiguity
簡介In all the debate about homosexual rights and same-sex marriage, pro-family activists need to understand there is a far more destructive underlying agenda promoted by the unholy alliance of gender feminists and homosexual lobbyists, and that is the deconstruction of gender itself.
關鍵詞Same-sex marriage, Gender, Family, IVF, Australia

The Benefits of Marriage to the Nation

範疇(C) 性教育 7. 婚姻與家庭
作者Chris Meney
題目The Benefits of Marriage to the Nation
簡介Marriage as a social institution supported by law and public policy in the service of the common good has a number of important aspects. These pertain to marriage’s interpersonal dimension as well as to its procreative and nurturing functions. As a social type, married heterosexual unions provide a number of social benefits. These include the generation of children and the raising up of future citizens; a committed, supportive and safe environment for the nurturing of these children.
關鍵詞Marriage, Children, Society, Divorce, Australia

The Vision Splendid

範疇(C) 性教育 7. 婚姻與家庭
作者Warwick & Alison Marsh
題目The Vision Splendid
簡介This is a speech conducted by Warwick & Alison Marsh concerning divorce in Australia. The Institute for Family Studies admitted that divorce is not a good thing for children or society as a whole. One of the greatest fears our young children have growing up is the ever present concern that their parents might get divorced. It’s the fear of having to choose between mum and dad. Strong marriages mean strong families. Strong families mean a strong nation.
關鍵詞Marriage, Relationship, Men & Women, Divorce, Australia
來源Gender Matters