Somerville recognizes polyamorous domestic partnerships

範疇(F) 同運動態 1.ii. 同性婚姻(案例).外國
作者Julia Taliesin
題目Somerville recognizes polyamorous domestic partnerships
簡介Somerville quietly became one of the first cities in the nation – if not the first – to recognize polyamorous domestic partnerships. The historic move was a result of a few subtle language shifts. For example, instead of being defined as an “entity formed by two persons,” Somerville’s ordinance defines a domestic partnership as an “entity formed by people,” replaces “he and she” with “they,” replaces “both” with “all,” and contains other inclusive language.
關鍵詞U.S., Polyamorous marriage, Diverse marriage, Domestic partnership, Legislation
來源Wicked Local

麻省城市首制度化多人民事結合 突破多人婚姻缺口

範疇(F) 同運動態 1.ii. 同性婚姻(案例).外國
題目麻省城市首制度化多人民事結合 突破多人婚姻缺口
簡介美國馬薩諸塞州的城市薩默維爾市議會通過新例,制度化「多人民事結合」,成為據悉是首個制度化多人民事結合關係的地區。麻省當地媒體Wicked Local報道,「薩默維爾市悄悄地成為全國率先承認多人民事結合的城市之一——若不是首個的話」。但這歷史性的改變——就像制度化同性婚姻一樣,主要只需改動個別字眼便完成,由「兩個人組成的實體」改為「由人組成的實體」;由「他及她」改成「他們」以及由「兩人」改為「所有人」等。
關鍵詞美國, 多元婚姻, 同性婚姻, 多人婚姻, 民事結合

UK High Court: You can be Christian and still approve of homosexual sex

範疇(F) 同運動態 5.ii. 逆向歧視(案例).外國
題目UK High Court: You can be Christian and still approve of homosexual sex
簡介London’s High Court last week that a Christian couple could be banned from foster care due to their unwillingness to support the homosexual lifestyle, some commentators are pointing out that the decision amounts to a ruling on what is and is not authentic Christian doctrine.
關鍵詞U.K., Homosexual, Religious freedom, Foster Care, Discrimination

The therapist who claims she can help gay men go straight

範疇(F) 同運動態 3.i. 社會局勢.國外
作者Robert Mendick
題目The therapist who claims she can help gay men go straight
簡介A psychotherapist who tried to convert a gay man to become heterosexual faces being struck off at a landmark disciplinary hearing.
關鍵詞Psychotherapist, Homosexual, Conversion, Heterosexual, Sexual discrimination
來源The Telegraph

Scotland: University Fires Catholic Chaplain For Rejecting Gay Pride

範疇(F) 同運動態 3.i. 社會局勢.國外
作者Paul Bois
題目Scotland: University Fires Catholic Chaplain For Rejecting Gay Pride
簡介A university in Glasgow has fired a Catholic chaplain for holding a prayer service at his parish “in reparation” for the city’s gay pride parade. The Glasgow gay pride parade featured over 5,000 participants with 50,000 attendees. It is considered the largest gay pride event in the country. After hearing of Father Morris’ prayer service, the university said it was “extremely disappointed” and immediately terminated him as a result.
關鍵詞Catholicism, LGBT, Scotland, Equality, Religious freedom
來源The Daily Wire

The impact of same-sex marriage on religious freedom

範疇(F) 同運動態 5.ii. 逆向歧視(案例).外國
作者Christian Examiner staff report
題目The impact of same-sex marriage on religious freedom
簡介At the heart of the arguments in favor of Proposition 8 are concerns about eroding religious freedoms that come about as the same-sex agenda is advanced. Below are some of the legal cases heard across the country as compiled by Rancho Santa Fe Attorney Charles S. LiMandri. Affiliated with the Thomas More Law Center, LiMandri was involved in the Mount Soledad cross case and the first case listed below. He has also been involved in the Yes on Proposition 8 campaign.
關鍵詞Proposition 8, Homosexual, Religious freedom, Legal cases, U.S.
來源Christian Examiner Online

高等法院 原訟法庭 《MK 訴 香港政府》判詞中文撮譯

範疇(F) 同運動態 1.i. 同性婚姻(案例).香港
題目高等法院 原訟法庭 《MK 訴 香港政府》判詞中文撮譯
關鍵詞香港, 同性婚姻, 婚姻制度, 人權法, MK案

MK v Government of HKSAR HCAL 1077/2018; [2019] HKCFI 2518

範疇(F) 同運動態 1.i. 同性婚姻(案例).香港
題目MK v Government of HKSAR HCAL 1077/2018; [2019] HKCFI 2518
簡介On 11 June 2018, the Applicant (a Hong Kong permanent resident and a lesbian) filed an application for leave to apply for judicial review challenging the laws of Hong Kong insofar as they do not allow same-sex couples to marry and fail to provide any alternative means of legal recognition of same-sex partnership (such as civil union or registered partnership) as violating her right to privacy under Article 14 of the Hong Kong Bill of Rights (“HKBOR”); and her right to equality, or protection against discrimination on the ground of her sexual orientation, under Article 25 of the Basic Law (“BL”) and Article 22 of the HKBOR.
關鍵詞Hong Kong, Law, Lesbian, Marriage, Same-sex partnership
來源Department of Justice, HKSAR

Salvation Army

範疇(B) 關懷陪伴 5. 心靈工作
題目Salvation Army
簡介The Salvation Army is a Protestant denomination of the Christian Church with over 1.6 million members in 109 countries. Salvation Army officers wear a military-style uniform, though some officers may wear a more informal uniform when undertaking certain duties. Members of the church often choose to wear a uniform, but are not required to do so.
關鍵詞Introduction, Beliefs, Organization, Social work, Ethics

Christian student expelled from social work course over views on marriage

範疇(F) 同運動態 5.ii. 逆向歧視(案例).外國
題目Christian student expelled from social work course over views on marriage
簡介A Christian student has been removed from a university social work course after he made comments on his personal Facebook page in support of biblical teaching on marriage and sexual ethics. Mr. Ngole was told that, by posting his comments on Facebook, the Committee believed that he “may have caused offence to some individuals” and had “transgressed boundaries which are not deemed appropriate for someone entering the Social Work profession.” His action would have an effect on his “ability to carry out a role as a Social Worker,” the Committee said. Mr. Ngole is appealing the decision and is being supported by the Christian Legal Centre. If the decision is not overturned, it could prevent Mr. Ngole from pursuing his vocation in social work.
關鍵詞Freedom of Speech, Religious Freedom, Christian view, Marriage, Sexual Ethics
來源Christian Concern